Saturday, September 3, 2011

A string of pb pics were posted on Ai's blog and they mostly look beautiful. Really envy her manager for getting to take such photos of her. Love her in the white dress which is too gorgeous. Those fluffy things, are they a hair accessory? They remind me of ear muffs people wear during cold season ^^; The bikini shot was o.O I can only say wow wee..

Why is it that I check AiGaki's blogs multiple times a day and Sayu's once every few day when I like Sayumi more than Ai-chan? Never understood that.

Is Risa the lead in that new musical? Hope that isn't her hairstyle for the actual play. There will be a DVD for this right? I'm annoyed that I can't get AiGaki play DVD. No Ai, Sayu and Aika tour either. And mm DVD 36-38 nor Eri graduation related stuff. Multiupload hates me and I hate it too.

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