Wednesday, December 9, 2009

TakaGaki Honeymoon in Beijing 091209 ~ Day 1

TakaGaki + JunLin is in Beijing right now and they appeared on some web show. Fans were able to watch the vid online in real time. The lucky duckies. The stupid thing kept lagging for me and I couldn't even see what Gaki looked like as the screen was frozen with JunLin on it -_-;

The transcript below is what I managed to understand without a visual so hopefully its not too far off from what was happening.

*Self-intros of the girls in Chinese and an MM clip is played*

*The host asks the girls to sing their latest single as an intro. Which they do.*

Now comes the questions.

Host: The Chinese fans call you Ai Ai. Do you like it?

Ai: It's very cute.

Host: How did AiAi enter MM and become leader?

Ai: I joined at 14 and became leader 2.5 years ago when Tsunku asked me to.

Host: Is the leader required to do many things?

Ai: Although there is a lot of work, it's not very tough. The main thing is to perform and round everyone up.

Host: I hear Risa is the sub-leader. How did you join MM?

Risa: I have always liked MM and wanted to join the group. I've been to concerts and collect the cards. I've never given up on the auditions and finally got in. [I thought Risa only entered the audition once?]

Host: What's the difference between Japanese and Chinese auditions?

Lin: Japan auditions are totally in Japanese while China ones are in Mandarin. [LOL! Gosh LL, isn't that obvious?]

Jun: I don't think there is a difference. In the end it's still the producer who decides.

Jun: They didn't tell me I was joining MM at first. I was told that if I got picked, I could go to Japan. So I just thought I'll give it a shot. Later I got a phonecall that said I was in and was headed for Japan. I only found out about entering MM after that. [Probably at the same time LL knew?]

Host: Did you know about MM before this?

Jun: I wasn't very sure initially. But my friend was a big MM fan so I've seen MM's poster or photos. [So the Sayu photos JJ had when they filmed her in China were her friend's? I wanna see this friend :P]

Host: SYO topped the Oricon chart surpassing Ayumi. Have you worked with Ayumi Hamasaki or met each other before?

Ai: We were on the same show a couple of times.

Host: What's she like? [Why is the host talking about other artistes? Hmmmm.]

Ai: We used to see her perform a lot on TV so when we saw her for the first time we were very touched.

Host: What do you feel about your popularity possibly surpassing her in the future?

Risa: We are very thankful. [I think Risa was replying about SYO's ranking]

Host: Although you are in a group, every member must have their own speciality. Please demonstrate.

Ai: I can imitate a monkey.

Host: Very good. What about Risa?

*Gaki-san does something*

Host: Your hand is gentle. [I have no idea what context this was in and since what Risa did wasn't specified in the chatlog. Hence please use your imagination :P]

*LL imitates a Chinese star then the host asks her to do one of a Japanese star and she sings a Misia song*

Jun: Recently I like a Japanese manga character's voice.

*And Jun does it*

Risa: It's not like it at all. [Ever the tsukkomi character :D]

Jun: I think it's alike and I've been practicing at home. So let's just say I pass.

*The host asks about their Chinese abilities*

Ai: Tasty [says in Mandarin]

Lin: They are very hardworking. They will ask me how to say things in Chinese.

Host: Teach them something in your respective dialects but it can't be too easy.

*everyone claps and agrees*

Host: Let's start with "I love you China." The rest is up to you.

*JJ does it in Hunan dialect and TakaGaki follows. Then LL says it in Chinese.*

Host: I remember Risa. [I don't get this part either. I wish I could have watched the vid :( ]

Risa: Li sha [which is Risa in Chinese]

*Lin says "Beijing I love you" in Beijing dialect which TakaGaki follows again*

*A netizen asks JJ to teach Risa to say "I love you" to Ai but there was a misunderstanding and it ended up with JJ teaching "Risa I love you"* [XDDD OMG this was funny]

JJ: Do I teach them in Hunan dialect?

Host: Okay.

Jun: Risa, I love you.

Ai looks at Risa and says "Risa I love you" in an entranced manner/like she means it. [Special thanks to Lex for giving me the idea when I couldn't think of a good way to translate this bit into English]

[This was really cute. Like REALLY! I love how Ai's hands were already stretched out all ready to grab Risa's. And the way leader pronounced Chinese was sooooooo adorable~~! *squeals* She looked and sounded so serious saying it. Why couldn't Risa say wo ye shi like Lin Lin? It means "I do too." btw]

Host: Their (TakaGaki) learning ability is high.

LL: Their memory is good and pronunciation accurate.

Host: Amazing.

Risa: Thank you (in Mandarin)

Ai: Thank you (in Mandarin)

Host: People who have learnt Japanese know that Japanese is very long (Is Japanese long? What a strange way to describe the language). They have only stayed in Japan for 3 years but can speak it fluently including singing Japanese songs. Please give them a round of applause.

JunLin: Thank you (in Mandarin)

Host: Let's test the member's knowledge of each other. It's simple, we ask a question and you gals pick the member who you think fits this trait the most. Just point to the girl with your finger. There is a punishment at the end. [The penalty of all 4 girls not choosing the same person is eating the type of food they dislike]

Lin: Is there food to eat?

Host: It's yucky food.

*JunLin hangs onto each other*

Host: I heard Ai hates pineapples.

Ai: Liking or dislike is another matter. It doesn't have anything to do with this? [Again this part isn't very clear. I need the video damnit! Maybe Ai was trying to wriggle out of eating the fruit.]

Host: We have chosen the food that you dislike as punishment. You can just try a little of it.

TakaGakiJL: No way.

Host: Who likes to eat snacks the most.

*They didn't get the same answer so someone has to be punished*

Risa: I think I can eat any of those. [Referring to the yucky stuff. Could Gaki-san be secretly saving Ai? :P]

Lin: You can eat all of them.

Risa: *pinches her nose and smacks her forehead after eating*

Risa: It's really spicy.

Host: Now I know. When eating wasabi I should smack my forehead. [Is it just me or does the host seem to pay special attention to Risa?]

Risa: It's really spicy after eating it.

Host: It's obvious from your expression. The next question is harder.

Host: Who is the one who refuses to get out of bed in the morning?

*All 3 girls pick JJ* [I think if Eri was here she would get picked XD]

Jun: It's more like in winter it's warm under the blankets.

Jun: I can take spicy but wasabi really "rushes" into your nose.

Host: I know Jun Jun can eat spicy but doesn't like salad sauce.

Jun: Why must there be salad sauce in this world?

Host: I can tell from your expression that you really hate it.

Lin: I think she's gonna get goosebumps.

Host: Who is the biggest cry baby.

Lin: *points at Ai* I think she's crying all the time.

*Ai is made to eat pineapple dipped in wasabi* [I wonder if Risa was made to eat the same thing earlier]

Host: I know Ai doesn't like a lot of things. Wasabi, pineapple and tomatoes.

Host: When you first get to Japan, will you miss home or find it hard to adapt?

Jun: When I first got there and realised my environment has changed and I can't speak basic Japanese and was together with just Lin Lin, I didn't even talk to her much. I practically closed myself off from the outside world. I'll just play with Lin Lin's computer.

Lin: When I talk to her (eg. let's eat) she doesn't answer and just continues with the computer.

Jun: I don't speak more than 5 words a day. It's just okay, I'm not eating. I chat with my mom and friends online everyday. But I tell myself this is such a rare opportunity to come to Japan and make my dream come true. It's something many people would envy me for. If I don't cherish it I won't make anything of myself and won't be able to face the support that my family has given me. At that time, my mom cried for me and after talking to her, I opened my heart. She told me that the enviornment won't change to suit me. It's me who has to change.

Host: What was the training like? What's the daily schedule?

Lin: For me it was different from Jun. I was an H!P Egg. After joining, there are endless songs and dances to learn. Music lessons etc. Then one day, JJ came. We were called into a room with a TV. Tsunku was on it and he told us we were joining MM. I was so stunned.

Jun: It was really tough then. I didn't know any of the songs or dances. The teacher told me to go back to my country and not stay on when I didn't remember the lyrics. I hated myself then. From that time on, everything that was handed to me I did because I didn't want to be looked down on.

Lin: The teacher was really strict. Now when I think back, I thank the teacher because without that we wouldn't be here. (Lin Lin is very diplomatic XD)

Host: I'm sure it was the same for TakaGaki.

Ai: It was really very tough.

Risa: I was crying almost everyday.

Host: You seem like such a bubbly girl. You cry?

Risa: When I first joined, it was very tough. We had to reach our senior's standards. The 4 of us (Gokkies) were locked in a small room, spending many hours every day practicing. We couldn't even waste a second. My bubbliness and playfulness is recent. I wasn't like this all along.

Host: What will you be doing on this trip over the 5 days and 4 nights?

Risa: This time the main aim is to let the Chinese people know more about MM and the downloading of music in China. I'm very happy that the 4 of us can be involved. (Perhaps this is something like JapanFiles?)

Host: Will you participate in Chinese variety programs?

Ai: There are no definite plans but with the 2 Chinese members and with so many Chinese fans supporting us, we hope for such opportunities.

Jun: Truthfully, I could come this far only with everyone's support. Telling us we shouldn't give up. As long as I like music and this is my dream, no matter how difficult it is I will press on. I always tell myself, as long as there is one person listening to us sing, I will continue.

Netizen: What's your impression of Chinese food?

Ai: Tasty [says in Mandarin]

Risa: We just had Peking Duck. It was delicious.

Host: Over the next few days arrangements will be made to try various food.

Risa: We look forward to it. (in Mandarin) [Wow I'm impressed Risa knows this line]

Host: What were your thoughts at seeing the fans greet you at the airport.

Risa: We didn't expect fans to come. We were a little worried before coming out. But when we saw the fans screaming for us, we were both shocked and happy.

Host: Any plans for a concert this end year or next?

Risa: We really hope to have a concert here. Even though there are no concrete dates but its a dream for us and we hope it can come through one day. Our last concert in Shanghai was very passionate and the fans were great. It left us a memorable time. [The previous China concert was in Shanghai. So I think they want to hold a concert in Beijing someday too.]

Host: I hope that we can see your concerts in many cities in China soon. Thank you so much for coming on the show and sharing with us your stories. We hope that you can come on again. Thank you.

TakaGaki + JunLin: Thank you.


All thanks to my annoying sister that I couldn't post this up sooner *fumes* But someone else has already done a come complete translation. If only some kind soul would put the clip up for DL too. I'm DYING to see the TakaGaki interaction.

There is another clip with the arrival at the airport. Are both Ai and Risa's dressing cool or what? Check out their hats! And there was a bit of TakaGaki body contact on the travelator when Ai grabbed Risa's arm. It was obvious Ai was amused by the crazy screams of Linnnnnnn Linnnnnnnnnnnn!!!! And Ai-chan wo ai niiiiiiiiiiii!!! XD She kept laughing.

I wonder what else the girls will be doing for the rest of the trip. Hopefully the Chinese fans keep us overseas fans up to date with the news. Onegai!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Soba Nai~! Mee Hai~!

Remember that 'Are you hungry?' commercial by Nissin?

'Nissin Cup Noodles!'

It has been stuck in my head for the longest time and that ad is old. I never thought I'll see a new one by the company. But the best part is...


Well it's just their voices but considering how MM hasn't gotten any CM deals in ages, I've got to be contented with this.

Ai, Gaki-san, Sayu and JJ were invited to attend the recording session. I wonder why Eri wasn't in the line-up. It would have been amazing. K4 reunion ^^ Notice how Risa is over-reacting again XD

I thought all of their clothes were really pretty except for JJ's. I guess I just don't think pink suits everyone? The only MM member who can wear pink and get away with it imo is Sayu. Woah, Risa's looking mightly cool in that leather jacket. At first I thought she was wearing pants or black jeans. On closer inspection I realized it was shorts or a mini skirt. I can't really tell with the LQ vid.

Next they get to taste the ramen..

...but no one wants to be the guinea pig.

Sayu: *coughs awkwardly*
Everyone else: *Looks anywhere and does anything except eat*

Sayu: So who's going first?
Risa: *biting fingers* Hmmm, not me.
Ai: Jun Jun?
Jun Jun: Damn, I knew it was gonna be me.


Nah, that wasn't what really happened.

But this did...

Ai looking at Risa in the cutest way possible.

Need a close up?


and THERE!!

I especially love this knowing smile they shared. Awwww TakaGaki

Risa even looks cool without the jacket. Can you tell I love the girl? :D

And the little couple is even gonna get a honeymoon trip to China from the 9th of December. 5 whole days and 4 endless nights. Imagine all the time they are gonna spend together :) I just hope Lin Lin leaves Ai alone long enough so Cinderella and her Prince get the picture :P

On the other side, whilst all this subtle flirting was going on, Sayu's showing off her nails while JJ's just about to d...

Ahhh, I better not say it xP

Major goof up here.
JJ =/= Sayumin

Someone seriously needs to be shot.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Return to Reina

YAPPI BERF-DAY REINA~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!

You're 20 years old now although you don't want to believe it XD I hate getting older too but life sucks doesn't it? At least your life is much better than most people's so enjoy it!! :P

Re:(Return) is Reina's 6th PB and it's a compilation PB. If you don't have the resources or book shelf space to get individual PBs, this one is a keeper. 田中れいな写真集全集『Re:(リターン)』Even the name looks good XD

Keeping with tradition (being late in posting a birthday entry :P) and picking my top 10 pics, here is Return. Because I couldn't just choose 10 (there were too many nice ones), I decided to go with 15 ^^

The Cover

Ooooh, look at that tatoo. Sexy :P


Her expression here isn't the best but the outfit is cute and so was the watermelon. It's rad (a joke in my country XD) with little black specks. Looks kinda cute to me :D


I'm guessing this shot was taken through a glass window? Art-y *nods head*


Reina's looks like a typical sunshine girl here. None of that yankii or I'm-gonna-bite-your-head off vibe


Awwww, young Reina snoozing. Was there any hint that she would grow up to be the woman she is today?


Yankii to the max! Right down to the slippers XD


These 2 pages were joined badly but you get the "picture" somewhat, right? It's the expression that I like. Not so much the bikini. Reina was never one of those members who looked the best in one. *ducks from rotten eggs*


This shot gives me a Miami (?) feel. The uniform is a bonus. Only Tanakacchi can pull off oversized sweaters.


Mikans~!!! *covers mouth before I start singing lines from the single* Playful Reina ^^ I like the top right hand pic most.


This Reina seems a more "dark" but not totally gloomy. GAH! I don't know how to explain it well -_-;


The water droplets on the glass reminds me of rain. She looks...well, I don't know, expectant? Like she's waiting for something.


KAWAII~~~~~~~!! Who knew the neko would fit a rabbit suit so well? Sayumin has some competition XD


Lolli alert! Not the Risa fan silly :P Here it comes again. A 100 point expression.


I can't decide if I want the pillow more or the person hugging it. Reina's channeling a I'm-sad-and-I-need-a-hug-from-someone look. I VOLUNTEER!


I said I like mufflers didn't I? Top it off with cute knit cap and it's a winner :)


As above. Add the warm glows of yellowish brown with 07's semi-side profile and you have a winner on top of a winner! (I don't make any sense, but I rarely do) XDDDD

Have a wonderful 20th Reina, and stop getting mad at Risa already :P My lovable Mame-head can be too assertive but that's why I like her *winks*

Ai and Food

You know how some people just aren't cut out to be a food show host? It's either they don't mention the food much, they don't eat heartily (would anyone think the food someone is nibbling small mouthfuls of tastes good?) or they don't have the guts to try weird stuff.

To me, Ai is in the category of 'can't be a food show host' not so much because doesn't go hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm enough when she eats. It's gonna sound crazy but the reason for me thinking this way is, Ai is too much of a distraction.

Watch the following clips and tell me you can concentrate on your food aka not sticking something up your nose if Ai-chan was sitting opposite you having a meal. Isn't the manner by which she eats the most ______? I don't what word is good enough to describe it. I just know she looks incredibly mesmerizing and cute when eating.

See for yourself and tell me I'm right :D

From 0:45 min onwards. Even the host (?) agrees she is kawaii when eating.

From 8:20 min on.

From 3:26 min on.

Monday, November 9, 2009

MM Kimagure Princess on MF

I'm a big fan of MM appearances on this programme as it's almost always extremely entertaining. This time when the girls went on to promote KP, it wasn't as funny. Perhaps the people in charge didn't want to make it too crazy as it was Koharu's last? I was hoping they would do something special for the miracle similar to how Rika had an awesome send off. It would have been a great memory. Pity there wasn't such a segment :(

I have no clue what the drawings were implying except that they all had something to do with Koharu so I'll just skip that part. The thing that struck me the most besides the hilarious bit when Aoki-san imitated Koharu's high-pitched voice, Koharu arguing that Ai was the typhoon girl and Koharu's little LM perf, was Risa talking.

What do I mean by that? Well, it just seems that Gaki-san is doing a lot of the talking these days. As a Risa fan I can't say I'm not happy about it but I'm just worried. I mean, in a group of 9 girls, conflicts are bound to occur and I'm pretty sure there will be members not happy with her stealing the spotlight so often especially when she isn't 1) the leader 2) a popular member e.g Reina/Eri 3) the rising variety show star e.g Sayumi

What Reina said recently on a radio promo for KP started me thinking about this. Apparently Reina thought that Ai must dislike Risa "grabbing" the rounding up talk parts during the MCs in concerts and most probably resented Sub-chan at least a little for it.

Ai's response was that she did have feelings of, "why did Risa speak about this part?" (I can't translate this properly into English but it kinda means why was Risa the one saying this part and not Ai herself.)

Reina then continued that she sometimes felt like telling Risa to let Ai speak (since she is the leader) instead of her doing it.

In the end, Ai said that she tends to forget the lines at important times or bite her tongue by accident. Hence it can't be helped that Risa does the rounding up talks. I don't know if Ai was trying to be nice or she just didn't want to further aggravate the feelings of resentment that Reina so obviously has towards Risa by explaining.

What has this whole chunk of words have to do with anything? I guess I'm afraid that Ai and Gaki-san were to fall out over something as trival as who does the talking. I really don't want to see that happening. If someone has to step down in order for relations to become good again, then I'd rather Risa be the one to do it. Because no one can fault a leader who stumbles over her words but everyone will dislike a sub-leader who seems as though she is taking on more responsibility that she should when it isn't needed.

To make this post less gloomy, lemme gush about Kame. She was ADORABLE in the perf!!! She was overflowing with so much cuteness. Her singing was great and her dancing, INCREDIBLE. I would have liked her to have gotten some talk time since KP is technically her song. The stupid editing people probably cut her parts out. Poor Eri, and poor Eriens <--- Kame fans :D

Friday, November 6, 2009

Kame & Hair

There was a recent uproar in Eri's thread over at H!O about her neck XD Yes, you read right. Neck. The comments were mostly about wanting to become vampires so they could bite her neck :D I was a little puzzled by this. Who said you had to be a vampire before you could bite someone's neck? :P

Back to the topic of Eri. I wonder if Ai felt anything when she saw the very cute turtle flick her hair while sitting at such close range. I'm sure the leader licked her lips XD Pity there wasn't a second camera persent which could have captured Ai-chan at the same moment so us fans could see her reaction. Hey wait a sec...*notices camcorders in the screen* THERE WERE 2 CAMERAS!! Stupid editing people. They probably didn't include Ai with her mouth hanging open and gawking at the yummilicious Kame :P

Don't blink, that mesmerizing instant is at 2:57 min.

And she does it again! My heart went doki doki for Kame at 3.06min.

Lucky Lin Lin, being able to share the same air space as Eri, lol. I wonder if this is a new strategy of hers. Making everyone fall for her with just one simple action :D

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Studio Voice Online [INTERFACE #26]

You don't often get to see the girls so relaxed and fooling around like this except on their DVD Magazines. I wonder what caused their hyper moods.☺

I'm guessing they were asked for a Kanji word that came to mind when they thought of a particular member.

Ai ---> Koharu (Miracle) I wasn't surprised at her choice as this wasn't the first time Ai used this word to describe the 7th Gen-ner

Risa ---> Sayumi (毒= Poison) XDDD Oh Gaki-san, you don't ever let the bunny forget this do you?

Eri ---> Reina (Tsutokotokoroden) I'm not sure what this is. OnDiet said there was no meaning to the word. It's just another of those "Eri" moments :D

Sayumi ---> Lin Lin (Nikuman) Hmmm, could this mean the Chinese girl is a fan of meat?

Reina ---> Jun Jun (Xiao Long Bao)

Koharu ---> Aika (Takoyaki) Aww, this is so cute. Imagine Mittsui as a lil Takoyaki ball :D

Aika ---> Ai (優 = Superior) I guess Ai really is superior in some ways.

Jun Jun ---> Risa (難 = Difficulty/complex) LOL! I loved Ai's (at least I think it was her) "NANDE?!?!" when she heard what JJ said. And Gaki-san's "blur" expression (or was it one of disbelief) was pure gold *thumbs up*

Lin Lin ---> Eri (Turtle) Another obvious choice for a word

Celebrities the girls are influenced by? Again, it's mostly guesswork. My Japanese is almost non-existent.

Jun Jun ➢ Vivian Hsu (Taiwanese singer who was based in Japan for some time)

Reina ➢ Morning Musume. WOOT! Great choice there Reina, you have good taste ^^

Ai ➢ Tsunku. Ummmmm, no comments?

Aika ➢ ? I couldn't catch what she said :(

Sayumi ➢ Sanma. This girl never lets slip a chance to promote her radio show

Eri ➢ Hilarious!! If I didn't recall wrongly, OD said the turtle didn't answer the question. She talked about how only her mom knew about her auditioning for MM XD

Lin Lin ➢ BoA. OMG! Another insanely funny moment. Not Oba, it's BoA XDDD

Risa ➢ ? Again I didn't understand this part :(

Koharu ➢ Her sister. Seems like Koharu and her sis are really close :)

PS: Possibly the highlight of the show was how "guy" TakaGaki were sitting. Compare their open legs to Eri's lady-like manner and you can tell how vastly different they are. Normally it's Sayu who forgets herself and opens her legs wide. I'm quite shocked that it was the leader and sub-chan duo this time and no one reminded them about it. Nevertheless, Gaki-san is incredibly hot as a guy ♥

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Otanjoubi Omedetto~! Happy Girl

It's here! My beloved Risa-sama's 21st birthday. Sigh, how I wish I could be in Japan to celebrate her birthday with all the fans who attended the concert over the weekend. I've listened to the recording and it sounded so fun!

The other members planned a little surprise for her and from OnDiet's blog post about it, Risa had a pleasant time. I'm curious why she thought (and I quote from OD's translation) "You really like me that much eh?" Why was that the first thing that came to her mind when leader pulled on her costume's tail? Hmmmm, did she already know about Ai's secret feelings for her? XD

I can't remember if I mentioned it in another post but I find the way Ai looked at her when she said "Anataga" during the NCK Music Fighter quiz segment filled with underlying meaning. It's almost as if she was telling Risa, "Do you know I'm in love with you?" :P

Back on topic, the top 10 pics from Risa's 4th PB - Happy Girl.
An apt book title for a girl who always makes me smile.



I have always and will always love her messy hair look <3


Just one word, gorgeous. That super teeny bikini strap helped a lot too :P


Imagine being able to watch Risa sleep. *Wistful sigh*


Look beyond Gaki-san being wet and not wearing anything but a bikini XD It's her expression that killed me.


Everything about this picture is so beautiful. From the snowy scenery to Risa-sama. Yes, I wub her that much :D


How can anyone not like this pic? Her clothes are great, so is her hair. Even the colorful shades of the blurred theme park behind is pretty ^^


Icicle? Hmmm, no matter. Risa's pinkish (kissable) lips, her flawless complexion and her brown hair is enough to save the inclusion of that funny icy thing. Oh and of course her eyes helped too. 


Peek-a-boo, I see you. 


Wha-a-at? Did you say something? Sorry I wasn't paying attention. I'm too mesmerized by a certain bean xP


I thought her lips looked a little pale and chapped? Nevertheless, I couldn't tear my eyes from this particular picture the moment I set eyes on it. Who needs hypnotizing sessions when you have this? :D 

Please don't ever change from being the wonderful person and performer that you are. 

PS: I love you, now and forever <3 
(I feel mushy saying this :P)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Gaki-san is Hawt!

Remember this pic?

It surfaced a while back and when I saw it I was absolutely speechless. I was so busy staring at Gaki-san and her amazing *coughabscough* that I totally missed the outfit. I was later told that the costume was pretty bad.

Then today I see these 2 pics!

GAH! Dear god, please save me before I die from a heart attack.

Risa is that hawt. Period.

I don't know how she does it. Every time I think I might be able to live without her in my life, she does something incredible that pulls me back in. Personally I prefer Mame with long straight hair than wavy although she looks great in either.

PS: Now, I notice the bad leggings. It would have been much better if they gave the girls mini skirts instead :P