Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Jishin Motte Yume Motte Tobitatsu Kara & more Ai-chan!

I finally watched Ai-sama's solo PV and I only have one comment for it.


Whoever came up with the concept for it is a genius!! Well, it is considered one of the better ones (if not the best) PVs to come out of UFA.

First of all, Ai-chan's outfit was cool to the max. I like the spinning and glittering effect throughout the vid. It didn't make me dizzy nor did it cause Pokemon fits XD And they made her look tall inside =x This could really appeal to the fans who like androgynous female artistes. Wasn't there a girl group who debuted dressed up like guys yet they could sell bikini photobooks as well? That is some really good marketing strategy. One which UFA should really pick up on. Where's the girl on girl fan service??!

The lyrics suit Ai's situation when it was released. She was about to graduate and she loved MM. Also, she didn't know how to put her thoughts into words and the years went by until this day. Tsunku wrote this song right? He really knows her well huh.

More lyrics which I found suited our fave monkey.

That was a long time ago, I've grown up a little now
I wont show my tears, I'll just go on my journey
I'll take flight now, with confidence and dreams
Ah Im a little embarrassed to say it now Im going
But I love you and this place
When I took down the photos
I'll carry my hopes, stay hopeful
And find a way to see you again
If I fall I'll get back up
And move on to the next stage.
I'll be confident, I wont give up
May my future be bright

I adore how she couldn't pronounce "Thank you till now" and "Thank you tonight". The best touch of the PV is the photos of Ai during the various stages of her MM career. Whoever got to keep them after the shoot must be in Ai-chan heaven. So many photographs and with Takahashi being such a photogenic beauty, one can be sure they will mostly be incredible pictures to collect.

They should have given a DVD with the PV for the version which had Ai on the single cover. That would surely boost sales and at the same time it provides a great memento for all of her fans to cherish.

She really likes plastic frames and that hat huh? I always wondered how she keeps it at that angle without it falling off? Clips? But how? Hmmmmm. Those fans who wrote those messages are really sweet. I was kinda expecting Ai-chan to start tearing. Her voice did sound a little off at some points. Maybe she was really touched, like how I was too. *sniff*

I don't know how she manages to make the hat and glasses match the somewhat casual outfit. I guess she's a true star huh? Possessing the ability to make anything look good.

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