Sunday, March 27, 2011

Majidesuka SUKA ~~

MM's 45th single Maji Desu Ka Suka! released on 23 March 2011 and first song with the new 9th gen members. There are a total of 4 LE and 1 normal edition. There are usually single V DVDs but this time I have not heard news of one yet. Could it be that because the various PVs are already included in the LEs, there won't be a single V? All the LE come with one of the Kyukkies solo interview. I wonder what is this application card that comes with the NE? Is it a photocard? But it sounds like some gaming thing. Hmmmm.

Limited Edition A
Close Up Type 1

Limited Edition B
Dance Shot Type 1

Limited Edition C
Close Up Type 2

Limited Edition D
Dance Shot Type 2

Normal Edition
Application Card

I like the covers in this order. D, A, C, NE then B. I can't wait to see all the different PVs. The song is catchy and makes me grin while watching. Some of the antics the girls get up to are pretty funny. For example Ai and Sayumi :D Gaki looks good too so I'm happy about this. But why is she singing in such a low voice? Her usual voice is already not high.

PV from Bijo Gaku

Melodix Talk and Perf on 26 March 2011

Why was Sayu's ears so red when she spoke?

Risa's outfit looked the most suitable to be worn out. I love her hair but why does she seem so thin? Yabaii is she on a diet or is something wrong? *in worry mode*

Ai looks good in red. Pity they decided to give the color to Riho.

Aika's hair is hmmmm :P

I only stared at Ai, Risa and Sayu. Strange that I kept noticing the bunny's cleavage ^^; After watching the rest, I think it's because her tube top isn't tight fitting unlike the others. I wonder why. Oh and for some reason she appears more cool and unfazed when dancing/performing now. Shabodama was the 19th single so she took 26 singles to achieve this :P

Happy Music on 2 April 2011 (I think it was aired on the 2nd, I can't remember)

Gaki is just wow. Her hair is great and she looks great. She is totally worthy of someone taking her picture to the plastic surgeon and asking to become her :P But it's strange because Risa doesn't seem to be overdoing her moves? Did she tone down or is something wrong? As much as I prefer her to not overexert and make me laugh while watching her ^^; I don't want her to be feeling ill or anything. *worries more* Why was the sound so bad when she was singing her line? Blah, bad sound system XDD

Ai is definitely in top form. Look at that smile, that face, her hair! XD Yep, her current hairstyle certainly gets better as I see it more. I wonder when she will perform with her new funky pinkish-orangy dyed ends hair.

Like the other perf, Sayu's jacket still wants to run away from her XD I think the bunny was more eyecatching in the Melodix perf for some reason.

Zukki is a dork XDDD I think I can say I'm okay with her and that Eripon girl now. But I'm still if-fy about the other 2.

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