I didn't make this awesome OPV. It was MessyCookie's work and I thought it was beautiful. So beautiful that more AiGaki fans should see and appreciate it. This vid never fails to touch me and make me tear. The song, feelings that have put into singing it, the lyrics and the visuals. Everything came together to make the most enchanting OPV I have seen in a long while.
Couple with the best AiGaki pics in recent times, this post is all about MM's best couple.
Too many crappy things have been happening in the world and in life. And since I dread tomorrow as well, I need loads of Ai-chan and Gaki-san to cheer me up. Aren't these pictures just so great?
Ai is definitely gorgeous. I can't find a single flaw on her perfect face. Pity Risa's page wasn't uploaded too. It would be nice to print these out on photo quality paper.

Awww, intwined hands. So sweet :) The bean is just as pretty as the monkey for once :P

I like how they both supported their faces with their hands. Does this proof that a couple in love does the same actions? :D
I wanna hug the photographer for getting these two to lie back to back and take this shot. I LOVE IT! It would make a great drama or movie poster. Gosh, I would do anything to get Mr and Mrs Niigaki in a good show together. Both their smiles are so beautiful. I could stare at these pics all day and night and day and nite :)
And tee hee hee at the tiny pics of them playing a fool :D Don't they look so happy and blissful? So adorable, so cute, so AiGaki *wink*
Oh wow, thanks for the compliment on my OPV <3
The MessyCookie account on youtube is mine~
Here's the vid from my account: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5k36XcOgKAU
I'm really happy that you like it that much! *_*
And yeah, I want to hug the photographer of this pics for the awesome work too!
Yes I do love your OPV. Will you ever make more :
I want more AiGaki stuff *wails* Lol. I can't help it. Seeing Risa and Ai together makes me happy.
Is it the same for you?
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