Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Wedding Dinner ~ #30 & #31

As I am watching the clips, I began to wonder, do the average Japanese people really attend such classes? To learn about how to behave in a wedding dinner? There are so many ppl involved in it eg. wedding couple, guests at the dinner, props, booking the venue, renting the outfits, cost of the sensei etc. Won't it be really expensive?

Moving on to the main point of this post now XD

Starter ~ #30

Ai-chan was really cute when she kept looking at the men for cues. And is it just me or did her range of facial expressions greatly increase? I never knew that she had such varied expressions and all of which are incredibly kawaii!!

As I watched leader drink her soup, I was wondering when the sensei would yell stop :P Scooping soup outwards and siping it from the side of spoon is right but oh no!! She didn't eat the croton first. Buuu buuuuuuu~! No more soup for the adorable saru-like lady :(

With all her comments in the tiny window on the screen, Gaki-san sure looks like she knows how to handle the soup. Did she peek at the sensei's notes? Or does she really know? She scored really well on an old H!M episode where they were tested on phone ettiquette. So maybe her family taught Mame to be a proper little lady :)

I thought it was sweet that Risa knew Ai liked corn soup. But apparently this trival should be known by Ai fans? As someone told me XD

Main course & Dessert ~ #31

Ai-chan again shows off her super duper cute expressions in this vid. She makes me smile so much while watching and makes me think she is really darn cute. I'm supposed to be a bigger Risa fan! Oh man, is my love for the bean beginning to waver? ^^;

I lol-ed! at the bit when a piece of meat dropped out of her mouth XD And again when I spotted the speck of sauce near her mouth XDD Lol at Gaki's reaction. This couple is too cute for words!
!! Ai's pout = killing ppl

I was laughing like crazy when I saw how Maimi and Airi ate their bananas. Why did they choose bananas?? It's just weird even to say the girls are eating bananas :P

It's obvious one shouldn't pick it up and bite it so Maimi was out straightaway. And gosh Airi, can you not be so cuteeeeeee? How do you intend to slice off the skin after cutting it into tiny pieces? It would take forever XD

LOL!! OMG HAHAHA. I'm convinced this entire 3 episodes is to reaffirm the fact that Ai-chan is indeed kawaii XD Firstly the way she sliced the banana so was gentle. It was as if she was afraid it would feel pain XD Then the clanking of the knife she was holding against the dish was funny and adorable too. Ai-chan!! Please continue to be this cute so you can attract and hold on to your hubby. That Gaki can be too slow and dumb so sometimes you have to take the initiative :D

Seeing that pic of Risa and Saki on the cover of their DVD makes me want to see the movie so bad. A cool Risa is love. I hope the show makes it to our shores. I wanna watch it in the cinema!!

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