Sunday, August 7, 2011

Only You/Maji Desu Ka?!

I realized I have not written anything about MM's 46th single when I like it a lot. I should have gone to find what the lyrics mean yet I hadn't. But the title sounds like it should be a love song about liking just that one person? Maybe.

I love the costume and the shoes. Open toe boots look awesome on them since they have such pretty nails. And the 5 older members got dresses while the 9th gen got shorts. The skirts look way better. Very feminine. Gaki was smoking hot IMO. The way she braided a bit of her hair is so adorable. And as usual those lips make me wanna... =P Why couldnt she have this hair for her Mahalo pb? Funnily I find that Sayu's hair started to grow on me after watching the pv n times when I didn't like how it looked at first. And her dancing seemed good! Did she improve or did the editor do a good job of cutting out her better moments? Ai was darn cool. Her smile at the end of the vid stunned me and gave me goosebumps. I can't quite explain what that smile meant but it was too great. I didn't notice that the background color switched between red and white. Guess I was staring at the girls too much.

Can't remember if I ever blogged about 45th so I shall just talk a bit about it here. The outfits remind me of NCK and Gaki-san's looks the most normal to wear out. Pity that her hair for the pv was that chicken style one and not those she had for lives cuz they were so much prettier. The song was meh to me in the beginning. But since I knew that for Tsunku creations, it will never be a fall in love at first listen thing, I gave it more chances. And sure enough, the song grew. Of course the pv helped a lot since the girls were funny and cute. Most memorable moments have got to be Ai's jump across the screen, Sayu's cleavage and Gaki's dumbo wide beams.

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