Sunday, January 9, 2011

MM in France 2010 DVD


Lol, that's the line I remember the most from MM's France Hatsujouriku Live DVD.

And I have to admit that Jun Jun looked pretty good in those scenes with Risa and their buys of boxer shorts XD Is it a norm for daughters in Japan to buy underwear for their dads? :D

I should have typed this entry as I was watching but I couldn't bear to tear my eyeballs away hence I'll have to try and remember the thoughts that went through my mind as I grinned and enjoyed myself thoroughly during the video.

The girls went through 4 changes of costumes. I expected more but I guess with 8 members, their luggage, more than a few staff to follow along, camera equipment, and other items that have to be brought, the cost of transporting them should be relatively high. I should be thankful that they got at least 4 sets.

Some things I noticed during the live. All of the girls had humongous eye bags. The poor things. They must be tired out from the flying. Jet lag perhaps? They perspired like mad, and hair was flying everywhere XD

I love how Eri's skin kinda shimmers from the sheen of sweat? :P What?? She was darn sexy okay? XDDDD Sayumi has a pimple :P Aika's hair looked good but any normal person might have come out looking like an 'auntie' if they tried to pull this hairstyle off. Risa's extensions weren't bad. In fact, she looked quite sexy with them. Ai really worked that hair, twirling it and smacking it on one of the girls at one time while dancing :D

I want the poster! I want the Tshirt! But most of all, I want the girls!!! XDDD Sigh....there won't be another time where MM will go to France right? Maybe in another 2 or 4 years I can go to France? But *sigh* it's impossible for the members I wanna see to still be there at that time.

I have never seen this vid before. I love to see stuff that fans make to showcase MM :) I think they are fans? I wonder who added in the Japanese subs.


DumpPplinG said...

haha! i would love to go their signature event n get my poster signed!!!... but don't think i will have e chance... they won't come singapore.. >.<

Hammy said...

AKB came. We can hope? But going to Japan this autumn is a must? Ai!!!! *sobs* I must go!