Hahahahahaaaaa Sayumin, omg. Please stop making me love you more and more. My affection has exceeded dangerous levels. The bunny was so cute! Her slip up was too adorable to not be used as the title for this entry :D
The poor girl misprounced sunshine and said "sansai."
Obviously the members laughed like mad over her mistake.
So she tries again and says "Love Shanghai." I couldn't stop grinning while watching this bit. Gomene Sayu. I still love you
I couldn't get a shot of Risa facing front but it's okay cuz I wub her backview too ^^ Isn't the way she slouches just so cool and droolsome?
Reina looks as though she is in mid-bow. Funny, lol. Aika is eating her mic while JJ shoots an ebil glare XD
Blank stare, blink, blank stare. Then it sinks in that she's the one in group AB+ :D
This surprised all the girls and resulted in GakiShige high5-ing four times in a row. Talk about being excited XD
Ai had to grab onto Risa's arm to stop her from continuing. But I know the real reason for that act. She wanted to satisfy her desire of touching the bean :P
I will be back with a second post about the songs performed.
Ba ha hai~~!