Wednesday, January 13, 2010

2010 Bean Resolution

Risa: My new year's resolution for 2010 is...

XD Ok so I was kidding. But Risa IS pretty hawt with her new hair do. I'm a convert, I really am. When I first heard that she chopped off her beautiful locks and dyed them a lighter shade of brown, I didn't know what to expect.

But now...

Look at that (godforbid) sexy hair and expression! I totally forgot, or rather didn't notice that Ai was in the picture too :P

And even when she's not decked out in an outfit that resembles the shiny wrapper of chocolates, Gaki-san can be da man! (pun fully intended) LOL.

Apparently some fans think she looks like a boy. Me, not so. But if she were one, she'll be a cute little boy. Just like how I would cart Prince Chris home, I would so steal and hide away this adorable little dude ^^

Is this pic more proof that she can be a guy? Hmmmm *ponders* Korean boyband member or now, my Gaki beats any K-boy any day <3 Awesome jeans and fedora. The shoes look a little iffy but then again, doesn't she always get strange footwear? Just rewatch Cinderella XD

And finally, I shall end this post with a pic that shows just how determined Risa is to be cuter than candy. Her face and smile *melts to mush*, the sugar sweet outfit + bow AND that leg peeking out from under the table. Isn't it winter in Japan now? Golly, and she walks around in shorts?! @@ Either that or she's wearing skin colored stockings :D


Lex said...

"Just like how I would cart Prince Chris home, I would so steal and hide away this adorable little dude ^^"
-You would steal and hide this bean in your basement, short haired or not. Am I right?

"The shoes look a little iffy but then again, doesn't she always get strange footwear? Just rewatch Cinderella XD"
-Which reminds me, I need those boots for.....uh......future plans, and maybe the costume too. Oh heck, should just get the whole package and drop her on your doorstep :P

"Isn't it winter in Japan now? Golly, and she walks around in shorts?! @@"
-And that's a pretty low cut she's wearing. No, I wasn't staring there. Anyway, in answer to your question, I shall quote your post title: "Risa: My new year's resolution for 2010 is...
I WANNA BE HAWTER......" I guess she already accomplished it.

Hammy said...

You are right that I would take the bean with any hairdo :D

when should I be expecting the package? :P

I didn't notice her low cut shirt. Ehhh? Now that you've mentioned it... @@