Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Is It a Bird?? A Plane?? It's A Miracle~~!!!

What is 162 cm tall, extremely loud, has crooked teeth and endless energy? The answer… one very hyper miracle girl called Kusumi Koharu. Ever heard of the phrase, ‘believe in miracles because life would be crappy without them?’ Well for me, Koha is exactly that.

Koha-pink is the spazziest member in the current Morning Musume. She doesn’t take herself, or anyone seriously for that matter. She is KY (If you’re a MM fan you should know what this means) and not the best singer. But you know what? I am not that concerned about her flaws. What makes Koharu endearing to me is, she’s funny. Like really, REALLY hilarious. Just observe her as teacher in Yorosen and you’ll see why. I couldn’t stop laughing while watching her. Who would unzip their jacket and stuff their boobs (t-shirt whatever, not much difference) into the “students” faces. Who could sumo throw a teddy bear so awkwardly and who else dares to death grip Lin Lin on the neck? It’s all Kussun. *Sigh* Just recalling Koharu and her crazy antics brings a smile to my face.

Yet this Niigata born little lady (she’s hardly little standing at that height but you know what I meant) isn’t merely personality. There are occasions where she manages to carry a tune and comes across as reliable. Her first album, Mitsuboshi comprises of songs that she rendered rather competently like ‘Hoshi no Shizuku’, ‘I Miss You’ and ‘Koi Hanabi.’ Kirarin Land was not as awesome song wise, nevertheless ‘Very! Berry! Strawberry’, ‘Futari wa NS’ and ‘Shiawase Clover’ ain’t all that bad. I’m anticipating her 3rd, Kirari to Fuyu. Hopefully it will maintain a satisfactory standard.

The other thing that keeps Koharu among the top 5 in my ranking is how she interacts with the other members. She hits it off well enough with the love of my life, Gaki-san. (Refer to MM DVD Magazine 16 and MM Tanjo Kinentai Concert backstage).

I couldn't find a clip of the backstage so this is another example. Does anyone know what this recording was for? Keep an eye out for Risa poking / jabbing Koharu at 0:29 and them fooling around with a funny pose at 3:03 XD

This clip has GakiKoha with Eri thrown in. Slumber party with these three would be a dream come true.

And also with Sayumin. Morning Days Vol. 3 is an absolute treat! I haven’t finished viewing the complete video but from the modest portion I’ve seen, it promises to change your mindset of Koharu. She strikes me as rather boyish in it and I can totally see her as Sayu’s boyfriend. (blatantly advertising my fic Glass Slipper : Chapter 1 Chapter 2 here XD) No really, even before I linked the two I already felt that the Rainbow Pinku pair looks kinda good together.

Look at how adorable they are with that kissing action :D

Koharu has never been one of the more welcomed members and I doubt she ever will be. But the next time you feel like criticizing this kiddo or slamming her left, right and center, just remember that without her, MM would be drastically different from what it is today. And who can say for sure that in such a universe, things would be much better than what it’s like now?


Anonymous said...

Fantastic post. I swear you're lying to me and you are English after all. Because right now you're whooping my ass in my own language!!!


Everything you said here I wholeheartedly agree with, but then you already know my thoughts on Koharu. Spasmodic people FTW! But I could be biased because I'm one ;)

Just in case no one has told you yet, the video that you are 'unsure' about is from a website called Tank! The Web. They're talking about the Cover You album, and which tracks are their favourite. Risa's is Jonii e no Dengon and Koharu's is Pin Pon Pan Taisou, in case you're curious ^^

I have yet to watch Morning Days 3, but it's on my 'to do' list for this week. I probably won't get round to it though :( I was kinda reluctant to watch all of it because I felt awkward for Aika during the 10 minutes I did actually get round to seeing. I will persevere, because you've bigged it up quite well. The MM DVD Mag too...

*sighs again*

Hammy said...

Oh wow, I got praised by Lolli~~~!!!!!!!!! *Happy now*

Ahhh I see. I'm gonna have to keep a ear out for those songs. Have you heard the BayFM Day Tripper audio? I posted them on JPH!P's Risa thread. I think the songs playing in the background were from 'Cover You'? They sound quite good. Am I the only one with pervy thoughts when I heard Cover you... XD

Oh and I wanna ask, how do you find Gaki-san's hair in this album?

Anonymous said...

Is that sarcasm? If not then seriously, don't be excited about my praise. It won't get you very far in life!!!

I've downloaded that radio show, but I've yet to listen to it. It's all piling up on me... *gets crushed under H!P stuffs* I will get round to it, when I can be bothered.

As for Gaki's hair, I'll hold off judgement until I see my album up close, or a really good scan :P

Also! Pervy thoughts FTW!

Hammy said...

I realized you like Gaki-san's hair in 'Cover You.' Gosh, how I love saying that title out loud XDDD I was over by ya blog and whatdya know, she does look nice in a clearer pic. So...I'm sold!