Saturday, January 14, 2012

Sayumi's First Kiss

Well, technically it's her first one with a boy since all of her past kisses were with the other members. The majority of those were with Ai xD Strangly I didn't scream, yell or start throwing plushies around the room when I saw that pic of her smooching the actor in her latest drama. I think the reason I was so calm was because of the angle that they took that screen cap. We can't really see her face thus there is a strong likelihood that they didn't really kiss. It was just the angle and a very common camera trick.

I'm gonna just go with that theory and ignore the possibility that the bunny was actually enjoying that scene. After all, any (normal) girl would love to lip lock with a cute guy. I don't think this guy was cute but I'm betting that Sayu thinks so.

Now that princess Sayumin (I don't know why I'm calling her that) has advanced on to skin / body contact, I wonder what her next project will entail. Hugging? A full blown make out scene or *gasp* a bed scene?! Yikes, I'm not looking forward to that but I guess I can't complain. Sayusuke is all of 22 and will be 23 years old in 2012. She's a big girl now and we can't expect her to remain pure and innocent can we. I just hope she ends up with a decent boy, someone good enough for her and who won't break her heart or make her wait. Geez, why am I getting melodramatic all of a sudden?? Must be the side effects ^^;

I wonder if I can remain just as calm as I am now when watching the scene in video form. It might be a good idea to keep all pointy and breakable objects away from arm's length xD


Can't believe I said that. A moment of insanity?? (ーー;)

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