Sunday, December 11, 2011

Backlog of FICs + Alphabet Purses

It's been years yet I have not completed my chapter FICs >_< Pending ones include MGR, DD and Midnight. I suspect I left out more but these 3 are those I really wanna be able to have an ending. Why am I so inefficient!? Perhaps if.. didn't happen then things would have turned out differently.

But I have started thinking though DD and MGR. Maybe I can start writing them again during...
I think I know how both FICs should end. Surprisingly it's different from what I thought in the past. I guess experiences do change people and how they think?

Ganbatte yo hammy! You must must must finish these FICs. GS and GA can't be the only epic FICs from you. It would be a waste. And you need this or there will be nothing left.

I can't believe I found those purses that Ai bought for herself and Risa! The white hard canvas ones with the letters G and R printed on them. I still remember how Ai said she didn't buy the A purse as it didn't look as nice as the G. I even secretly hoped that she chose that letter cuz it represented Gaki =P I wonder what are they using them for. Make up? Most likely so. But I didn't buy it on the spot as I didn't have a use for it. But now I'm regretting as I'm afraid it will be gone if i try and find it again. And the worst part is i dont think I will go back there =( I'm regretting so much for not buying Ai's heart necklace when I could. No one understand the joy of finding something that your idols use. Unless it's similar thinking people. But those are hard to come by.


An said...

I need to get up to speed with MGR & Midnight, but I'd love a continuation of DD and that current untitled one >____<

Of course experiences change people and how they think... but I hope that you can incorporate both the worst and best of your experiences in your stories - your writing will be all the richer for it <3

Ganbatte hammy! *whips pom poms out*


You... saw those purses? Kyaaaaaaaaaaa <3 Silly, why didn't you get them? Lol even if you don't have a use for it, you can put it up for auction for all us TakaGaki shippers and make a profit from it hahahaa.

Personally, I thought she got the G for Gaki too. I'm still sticking to that speculation. =P

"No one understand the joy of finding something that your idols use."


AM I NO-ONE?! ;____;

Hammy said...

You mean you like the Eri centric fic? Wow thanks! I didn't think anyone liked to read that fic at all. You really made me happy.

I have some pretty good ideas for DD. If only I can write it out =(

I wouldn't mind helping fans get the purses if they want them but I don't know that many fans. I know you would be happy to get the same stuff as your idols but I only know you who does. That's why I said there aren't many.

I'm so hungry right now I could faint xD But I need to go out and get dinner. Driving with a mega headache on a rainy evening. Hmm fic material anyone? =P Just kidding lol.

An said...

"You mean you like the Eri centric fic? Wow thanks! I didn't think anyone liked to read that fic at all."


I'd love to talk you through your fic ideas! <3

And don't worry about getting any purses, I've already bothered you enough I think xD

"Driving with a mega headache on a rainy evening. Hmm fic material anyone? =P Just kidding lol."



Hammy said...

I did envision a car accident fic due to a song. Who knows I could incorporate the buying food and headache part into the original idea. That's the problem when I have a short attention span and too much time. Random ideas just fly through my head ^^; I had the wildest idea for a crossover fic while waiting in the queue at the drive through xD I think you are gonna think I'm crazy when I blog about this. Cross countries love and foreign friends? Am I letting slip too much? =P

Have a good night you. And I'm bursting from the anticipation of reading your new update. I wonder if I will see it when I wake up tomorrow *hopes*


An said...

Car accident fic? .... >__>

Cross countries love and foreign friends? Are you kidding me? Kyaaaaaaaaa <3

Lawd knows I'd appreciate a fic like that!!!! I'm totally big on the idea that your soulmate is somewhere else on Earth and not bloody within driving distance to you. ;____;

Hammy said...

You like the idea of such a fic? *hopeful* but I'm afraid you will be disappointed at the outcome =( Besides MM and H!P do you like any other idols?

I never believed that soulmates were so near and easy to find. Most people probably don't even end up with their real soulmates. Gah, I sound pessimistic don't I ^^; Maybe being tired and not well gets to me. I demand to be released from never ending hours at work and all the time in the world to dream up FICs and fangirl =P Say, you can do that right now. Lucky ^0^