Saturday, December 17, 2011

Sayu's Shock?

There was this clip of Kaori talking about how Sayu she didn't turn up for practice and I saved the link for it intending to post it up as both of them had really interesting expressions. But ARGHS!! I somehow saved the wrong link and I can't find it again =(

I wonder if Sayusuke got a scolding for skipping practice. At that time she was still sorta new judging from their hair and outfits. She sure has guts to dare to not appear? Shouldn't it be Reina who is doing such things? She's the yankii no? XD

But I did find another clip of how she had this classic expression when the little girl said she liked AKB over MM. I loved how she did a double take. But man, that kid sure doesn't know a good thing when she sees one. It's Sayumin in the flesh!!!

Discovered a nice OPV of my favorite bunny. The creator is right, we can't hurry love. But oh how could anyone bear to not love this girl??! I would love her immediately ^^;

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