Tuesday, September 22, 2009

It's You, Just You

Oh my gah, ohmygah, OH.MY.GOD!!!



When I first heard the news about her impending graduation, I was at a friend's wedding. My initial reaction was "So she's gonna graduate from MM and become a soloist. It's okay cuz I will still get to see her."

Then as the text messages continued to come from both OnDiet and Stefy, I realized, "Good god no, she's leaving both Morning Musume AND Hello! Project.

I seriously "EHHHHHHHHHHH!??!?!" aloud while gaping at my cellphone. Obviously I got a couple of stares and someone even asked me what happened. In that instant, it took everything I had in me to resist grabbing the person and shaking her while screaming "KOHARU'S GRADUATING!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I was in disbelief, I couldn't accept it, not until I saw it for myself. I went onto JPM the first chance I got to search for the relevant thread and surely enough, there it was staring back at me. "Kusumi Koharu to graduate from H!P 12/6"

I texted LL to convey the news and the reply I received was, "EHHHHHHHHHHHH?!?! USO!!! What the hell?!?!" I think that reaction was exactly what I felt except I was still stuck in the shocked state.

After going through the thread and reading the translated comments from Koharu herself and Tsunku, I'm still confused. So whose decision was it? I'm not entirely convinced by the “I wanna be a model” explanation. There are so many possible reasons swirling in my head.

Could she be (in order of how they appeared in my mind):

1. Pregnant/Scandal

But this is highly doubtful as she's only 17. What if she's going for an abortion? (Ack, my mind is totally running away here). Could she be involved in a scandal that UFA has just managed to keep under wraps until she graduates? With so many young girls under them, the company can't risk tainting the "pure" reputations of all their idols.

2. Boys

Any normal teenage girl would want a boyfriend and if she's in H!P, she technically can't. What I don't understand is why can't she work around it if this was the true reason? She could always date on the sly. So many before her have done the same without getting caught.

Miki is a prime example. It took some time for Mari to be discovered and don’t even try to convince me that Nacchi and Rika have never dated. Actually, I'm guessing every girl has gone out with guys some point or another, I just don't wanna go there at this stage

3. Unhappy

Koharu has never had a buddy in MM like how TakaGaki or KameShige is. Lately, you start to see KameMame and even a little ReinaMitssui and AiLin but never Koharu with anyone. Sure she does play a fool with the other members sometimes but you can tell their bond is not as close.

Nevertheless, I never bothered much about it until the 'New Star' contest in Taiwan. When Koharu said she hoped the new girl would become good friends with her, it really broke my heart. No one can survive without friends and at that moment, I really felt for her. I wonder if she has had enough of being alone.

4. Offers

Perhaps some modeling company did give her a better deal. If Umeda can qualify I don't see why the miracle can't. She possesses the face, height and look-at-me aura. Her face seems marketable overseas so who knows, the modeling thing could be true.

I might not want to admit it but it's undeniable that MM isn't what it used to be. Performing concerts in a venue which sits 2000 instead of the 20,000 of the past? You do the math. Maybe Koharu feels she might have a better future if she took up another route.

Or else it could be enticing offers in other forms. Acting? Like I said, she is tall enough to be an actress.

5. $

From an earlier article, Ai apparently leaked that the current MM does the same amount of work but gets paid less than the golden age line-up. Besides their dwindling popularity (which means fewer TV appearances, commercials and tie-ins), MM's wages is decided by seniority. And since Koharu is a 7th genner, she would earn much less than the GoRokkies.

6. Importance

The last single in which she scored front girl position was in 'Resonant Blue'. She could possibly be fed up of being more recognized due to 'Kirarin Revolution' and attracting the kiddy fans yet shafted from being one of the leads.


I'm embarrassed to say that I actually tear-ed (I know there isn't such a word but I'm too depressed to care about using proper English) a little when the news sunk in and it hit me that I would never see Koharu again after December 6th 2009. Now I regret not focusing more on her during the 'All Singles Daizenshu' concert in Taiwan. Because I was afraid that Risa would be the one to graduate soonest, I kept my eyes trained on her throughout.

I always thought it would be Mame because MM couldn't afford to lose Ai, Eri was a wota favorite along with Reina, Koharu brought in the kids, Sayumi had solo work on various TV shows and Aika was still young. No matter how I looked at it, I never thought it would be the miracle.

*Sigh* In less than 3 months, Kusumi Koharu of Morning Musume would be no more. I can't bear to see her gone. Really I can't. Drats, I'm getting misty eyed again. In fact, every time I read her graduation thread, I can't help but get emotional.

Damn you Koharu, why must you be so lovable, genki, bright-eyed, enthusiastic and beautiful? Why must you make me fall in love with you then thrust on me this horribly cruel piece of news? I have gotten used to seeing your goofy smile, watching your spazzy actions and reading about your weird behavior (mostly from Sayumin and Gaki-san).

You have always hovered in my top 3 and after 'Tokyo Friend Park II', my fondness for you surged. I was amazed at your determination towards toppling the 5 cylinders. You were so concentrated. It was then when I realized how cool you were. You weren't like the usual 17 year olds, acting cute and lollita-y.

Despite that, you had your moments. Who else could ask the dance instructor and fans who went to the recent handshake events if the NR dance reminded them of digging for melons in a field?

It's you, just you Koharu-chan.

Thank you for bringing joy and laughter to me for the 4 years and 4 months that you've been in Morning Musume. I will probably never know the truth behind your graduation but I wish you good luck in your future endeavors. I sincerely hope you will be successful and I wish with all my heart that I might get to see you again. Someplace, somehow.

Release on 24 March 2006, Kusumi Koharu (久住小春) was her first photobook. Keeping with tradition, here are my favourite shots *BAWLS*












I'm sorry for not writing why I like these pictures but I'm much too miserable to do so. Excuse me while I hide in a corner and cry :(


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